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Curse of a Dragon Heart

Dragon Descendants Series Book 0

Possessing a magical ability is dangerous.

Sixteen-year-old Jason struggles to care for his younger brother, Charlie, while concealing his growing fire power. Months ago, their parents were conscripted into the Great Wars and drained of their magic by the war mages. Now they’re dead.

Desperate for food and shelter, Jason volunteers at the army camp despite the risk of discovery. While dragons soar overhead and the sounds of battle fill the air, Jason keeps his magic under control. Until a plague sweeps through camp, catching him in its deadly embrace.

Terrified that Jason will die, Charlie makes a dangerous pact with a war mage, which unleashes a spell that saves Jason and kills a dragon.

Now bound to the dragon’s family, Jason embarks on a quest to find the dragon keep and warn them of the mage’s curse. But the boys’ journey is fraught with danger. Jason’s magic has transformed into something he can’t control, something monstrous. He must rid himself of the inferno within before he harms Charlie and destroys the dragons he seeks to protect.


Dreams of a Dragon Girl

Dragon Descendants Series Book 1

A dragon’s vision.

A girl’s curse.

A quest to save dragons from extinction.

Dragons disappeared long ago. Now they’ve returned, and magic pours back into a world that has buried its existence.

Becca is ridiculed for believing dragons are more than the plague-bringers of history. When a fever sweeps through her village, igniting fears that the dragon plague has returned, her belief becomes dangerous. To make matters worse, Becca can suddenly sense emotions. It’s a curse, exposing secrets she’d rather not know and making life almost unbearable.

The youngest dragon, Gregor, watched his family die because he didn’t know his power could’ve saved them. Defying the rules, he risks exposure to search for a human girl from his vision, certain she’s the key to dragon survival.

But when Gregor finds Becca, violence erupts. Now the fate of the world rests on these unlikely heroes finding the courage to save dragons without losing everyone they love.


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Dreams of a Dragon Girl

Dragon Descendants Series Book 1

A lonely teen girl believes in the heroic dragons from her grandfather’s tales, instead of the plague-infected beasts of history. Desperate to prove his worth, a teen dragon risks exposure to search for the girl from a vision. When old magic returns, imbuing new powers and igniting fears that the dragon plague has returned, both struggle to break the shackles of family oppression to save dragons from extinction.

Cover image for Curse of a Dragon Heart - Book 0 Dragon Descendants Series (Image of a boy holding a purple magic orb in front of a horse and burning buildings

Curse of a Dragon Heart

Dragon Descendants Series Book 0

Read about Jason’s quest 150 years ago in the Prequel to the Dragon Descendants Series.

Magic destroyed everyone Jason ever loved. Now, at sixteen, he struggles to find shelter and food for himself and his younger brother, Charlie, during the chaos of the mage war. But when Charlie makes a bargain with a wizard in exchange for Jason’s life, the fate of dragons depends on Jason embracing his unique magic.

Quest for a Dragon Oracle

Dragon Descendants Series Book 2

Magic is up to something and everyone expects the Oracle, Seri to tell them what it means for dragons. Becca struggles to be useful to the dragons so she can connect with her baby dragon. Trey’s powers are out of control, and he turns to the one person who can help him, his grandmother the Dragon Prophet. All three must find a new path in this world of magic to avoid causing another crisis.

Coming 2025!